Monday, June 1, 2009

Wise words I like and even some of my own

A man who wont die for something is not fit to live.

An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.

Never look down on somebody unless your helping him up.

The journey is the reward.

We have forty millions reasons for faillure , But not a single excuse.

I havent failed , Ive found 10,000 ways that dont work.

And now some wise words of my own prepare yourself

Listen always, speak when inspired

Sometimes patiences is greater then action

Each great movement started with a single idea

Each great dream can move mountains

Those who judge you by your dreams are to afraid to follow there own

The hardest part of climbing a mountain is taking the frist step

Inspiration is the greatest gift of all

When you dream big you can reach the stars

Well peeps thats all i got so far. So am gonna go now and follow Riona what ever the hell that means so bye

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